+420 312 526 101 | klados@klados.cz

About us

o firmě Klados

Transport services

We are a well-established and reliable haulage company providing international and domestic road transport.

We are happy to offer you the following services:

ISO 9001

Our company is certified according to ISO 9001 standard.


Specialized transport

Freight transport is performed with due dilligence and within the shortest possible deadline. Every carriage includes complex services: freight insurance, customs clearance and delivery of the goods to the customer, i.e. door-to-door transport. When meeting our clients´ needs we always take into consideration both the speed of the transport – express transport or standard transport- and the costs of transport, i.e. groupage service and use of full truck load by means of part-loads.

We specialize particularly in export and import transport between the Czech Republic and Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We perform also domestic transport operation in these countries. Thanks to our cooperation with Polish, Baltic and Slovak haulage companies we can offer you very favourable prices.

Performed transport services by countries
Performed transport services by countries

Transport operated between the Czech Republic and other European states, both the member states of the EU and other non-EU states, is included in our standard services. Following pie chart shows percentage of performed transport services in individual countries.

Performed transport services by vehicles
Performed transport services by vehicles

Quick contact

Cyrila Boudy 1444
CZ - 272 01 Kladno
Phone:+420 312 526 101
Out-of-hours phone number:
+420 775 706 033
ID:275 73 672
Tax ID:CZ 275 73 672

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